Photographer | Video Editor | Motion Graphics Designer

Photography Journal

My attempt to share more than just an instagram image. Some extra photos, behind-the-scenes and random musings.

Posts tagged portraits
Smoke Bombs in the Field

Mom kept telling us that we needed to go out to the field while it was all cut down. “The colors!” she said, “the colors!” The thing is, though, to me it just looks like our back yard. And it’s flat and boring and never quite as beautiful as I want it to be. How wrong I was! If i have one take away from this whole weekend it’s to just listen to Mom more. I’ve learned so much through all this photography and a huge part is how differently our brains work and how smart it is to listen to someone else with a different eye and just see if you can break out of your own ruts a little bit.


Our rental was in the middle of the Neversink area. When Alexis looked up the the rental she said there was a waterfall nearby. The only one I found when searching for photos nearby was about ankle high. Luckily I was COMPLETELY wrong! Mullet Falls was the perfect waterfall for photography adventures, and the paths around it were delightful.

While slathering sunblock and bug spray on ourselves at the trail head, we chatted with Winston, a friendly fellow with a whole huge herd of dogs. We caught up to him later at the waterfall and the skill he had in wrangling the pack was just amazing!

Taking photos at the waterfall was a blast. Alexis was great at standing still while I got some slower shutter shots and the folks who hiked up were great sports about the whole thing. It might feel awkward to change into a dress and hop around in the water, but the thing I’ve learned so far is that if you’re brave enough to do it, most people get a kick out of it.