Here are some additional samples of my work from around the web. These are in no particular order, they're just interesting projects that I had fun working on.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer "Lets Talk About It": A video series focusing on health topics relevant to young women with breast cancer, combining both patient and healthcare provider perspectives. Another great one with Assembly.
Penn Medicine Doctor Series: This series was created as a way for patients to "meet" their potential doctors and make an informed decision about who they would work with for their care. It was really really interesting to work on, and another fun project with the great folks over at Assembly.
Because of My Eisenhower Fellowship: I worked with Melody Tash of Cinema Quilt on this entry to the first Philly DoGooder Hackathon. From initial meeting with the non-profit to final video in 10 days, it was a whirlwind of a project that I contributed assistant editorial and motion graphics to.
Moore College of Art and Design: A series of casual interviews with students aimed at incoming freshman and interested students to get a feel of what life is like at Moore.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer & White House Black Market: A video series I worked with the wonderful folks at Assembly Pictures on. The whole series can be found here.